CYC Liquidez
Manage your liquidity efficiently by generating returns at very low risk
CYC Liquidez is a dynamic immediate redemption money market fund that aims to generate stable daily returns in pesos. The fund invests in very short-term and highly liquid instruments, including interest-bearing accounts, repurchase agreements, fixed-term deposits, among others.

Type of Fund
Money Market
Redemption Period
Immediate Settlement
Short Term
Minimum investment
Initial Investment
Fund information
Custody Agent Banco de Valores S.A.
Inception Date 10/26/2022
Management Fee (Class U) 1.25%
Custody Fee 0.15% + VAT
Assets 9.412.352.234,28
NAV per 1000 shares 4.232,43
CNV Registration Number 1279
Caja de Valores Code 25477
Bloomberg Ticker CYCLIQU AR
FIGI Bloomberg BBG01LSCF2P7
Risk rating AA-(rF)
Search Reports
- 06.03.25 Factsheet CYC Liquidez
- 14.02.25 Factsheet CYC Liquidez
- 13.01.25 Factsheet CYC Liquidez
- 04.12.24 Factsheet CYC Liquidez
- 12.11.24 Factsheet CYC Liquidez
- 17.10.24 Factsheet CYC Liquidez
- 05.09.24 Factsheet CYC Liquidez
- 05.08.24 Factsheet CYC Liquidez
- 16.07.24 Factsheet CYC Liquidez
- 11.06.24 Factsheet CYC Liquidez