CYC Pesos Renta Fija
Place your pesos at attractive rates without losing liquidity
CYC Pesos Renta Fija is a fund that focuses on investing in debt securities payable in local currency. Diversified by types of capital and interest adjustments and issuers, the fund aims to outperform the BADLAR rate of fixed-term deposits.

Type of fund
Fixed income
Redemption Period
24 hours
Medium term
Investment Profile
Minimum investment
BADLAR Private Banks
Fund information
Custody Agent Banco de Valores S.A.
Inception date 05/12/2021
Management Fee (Class U) 1%
Custody Fee 0.15% + VAT
Assets 5.613.188.956,59
NAV per 1000 shares 13.388,33
CNV Registration Number 1189
Caja de Valores Code 23897
Bloomberg Ticker CYCPRFU AR
FIGI Bloomberg BBG01LSCF2M0
Risk rating A+(rf)
Search Reports
- 07.02.25 Factsheet CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 10.01.25 Factsheet CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 06.12.24 Factsheet CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 08.11.24 Factsheet CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 16.10.24 Factsheet CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 05.09.24 Factsheet CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 07.08.24 Factsheet CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 18.07.24 Factsheet CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 18.06.24 Factsheet CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 08.05.24 Factsheet CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 07.02.25 Presentación CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 26.07.24 Presentación CYC Pesos Renta Fija
- 29.07.22 Presentación CYC Pesos Renta Fija