CYC Renta Mixta
Invest actively in Argentine stocks
CYC Renta Mixta aims to optimize returns through investing in Argentine stocks listed on the local market. Additionally, the fund may invest a smaller portion in foreign stocks through CEDEARs. In certain contexts, a portion of the portfolio may be allocated to fixed-income instruments in pesos with the goal of reducing the inherent volatility of the stock market.
Type of fund
Variable income
Redemption Period
24 hours
Long Term
Investment Profile
Minimum investment
S&P Merval
Fund information
Custody Agent Banco de Valores S.A.
Inception Date 06/11/2018
Management Fee (Class B) 2%
Custody Fee 0.15% + VAT
Assets 14.806.894.402,41
NAV per 1000 shares 100.705,23
CNV Registration Number 1007
Caja de Valores Code 15074
Bloomberg Ticker CYCRMXB AR
Bloomberg FIGI BBG00L9H70C5
Risk rating A(rm)
Search Reports
- 02.01.25 Factsheet CYC Renta Mixta
- 02.12.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Mixta
- 01.11.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Mixta
- 04.10.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Mixta
- 02.09.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Mixta
- 01.08.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Mixta
- 01.07.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Mixta
- 11.06.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Mixta
- 03.05.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Mixta
- 03.04.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Mixta
- 07.06.24 Presentación CYC Renta Mixta
- 02.06.23 Presentación CYC Renta Mixta